This story makes me want to get a foreclosure threat!

So, while I’m getting my blog-writing sealegs back, I may also post a couple things I didn’t write, but still find glorious.  Because in the end, it’s all about you – the reader – enjoying the read, yes?  Yes.  So get a load of this story I read on the NPR’s website:


Florida Couple Gets Revenge On Bank Of America

June 6, 2011

Bank of America had sent a foreclosure notice to a couple in a Naples, Fla, but the owners had paid cash for their home. They took the bank to court. When Bank of America failed to pay up, the couple’s lawyer drove to the local branch with a moving truck and a court order. He said unless the bank paid up, he’d foreclose on it, and seize its assets, like furniture.

Check out the full story here!

You’re welcome.

More than 140 characters of space for me to rant!

So you all got my warning shot.  Then I didn’t talk for awhile.

In fact, I still may not talk for awhile.

Frankly, I blame Twitter.

Back in the glory days of high school, I was the mack-daddy of long-winded blog rants.  I have them all saved in a xanga account I hid somewhere in cyberspace.  I may need to read them again, in order to re-teach myself how to remark on something wittily, using more than one sentence.  I’m restoring the art form, with my own two hands.

But since everything I ever do in life takes lots and lots of work (after it takes even more procrastination), you might hear from me again about 3 years from now, at the earliest.

See you when I return from my cyber-pilgrimage.