I’d prefer a creepy uncle, really.

Let me take a little time to promote a friend of mine, Manny Rondon, and his sketch group, Far Fetched.

They’ve put bunches of sketches up on YouTube – I haven’t seen too many, because my computer HATES ME AND TAKES A WHOLE FREAKING DAY TO PLAY A 1:03 VIDEO (any techie whizzes wanna come by and help?  It won’t be a B-list porno scene, I won’t be wearing a leopard print garter belt when you show up, I actually would be grateful for the input), but the ones I’ve seen are top notch.

Like this one involving a cop chase…gone weird  fun…


Check out more of them:



As for me, I’m getting some sleep while I wait for another video on my computer to fire up.  Seriously folks, I come in peace…I don’t even own a leopard-print garter belt.