Anything Mollie wrote herself

I’m Making a Comeback!

So, I realize that an effective blog really shouldn’t contain a post just once every 2 months…


Perhaps I can work a hook in this – the Mollie Sperduto Bi-Monthly Blog: it’s worth the wait!

Maybe.  Probably not though.  If I give myself a standard of writing once every two months, lord knows I’ll slack off and start finding excuses to post once every six months instead.

At any rate, I’m coming out of the dark, and actually working on a new side project too: in mere hours, will explain everything I’ve been planning for that’s been causing me to put off my comedy career a tiny little bit.  And you will all be enlightened.  And hopefully a little riveted by the reads.

And if you don’t approve of it, then approve of this:

Take the “Mollie Sperduto Owes Me a Cookie” Challenge!

Do you like funny things?

Do you like when other people find your things funny?

Do you like when other people buy you things, because they saw stuff that you thought was funny, and they thought it was funny too?

Did you answer “no” to any of the above questions?


If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, then you need to take the “Mollie Sperduto Owes me a Cookie” Challenge!


This blog post is an invitation to ALL OF YOU to submit any content that you think is funny, and as a result should be posted here.  It can be original content you created, or it could be something you found on the Internets that you think would feel at home amongst the tom foolery being cultivated here.

If I so choose to use it (and I probably will), you will be sent your very own “Mollie Sperduto Owes me a Cookie” one-time pass!  Bring this to any show that I am performing at, present it to me, and I will indeed treat you to something right then and there on the spot.

Author’s note: I use the term “cookie” very loosely.  Please keep in mind that many of the venues that comedy shows are held in do not carry cookies, so please be willing to accept a beer, a coffee, a slice of pizza, or something equivalent to the above, in lieu of a cookie in these circumstances.



Find content, and e-mail it to



If it is original content, I reserve the right to edit it mildly before posting.  You reserve the right to approve the edited version prior to my posting.

Everything else is pretty fair game until I change the rules.

I’ll let you know when I change the rules.



A cookie

I’ll give you credit for your post (it’s only fair).





Do it, you won’t!

More than 140 characters of space for me to rant!

So you all got my warning shot.  Then I didn’t talk for awhile.

In fact, I still may not talk for awhile.

Frankly, I blame Twitter.

Back in the glory days of high school, I was the mack-daddy of long-winded blog rants.  I have them all saved in a xanga account I hid somewhere in cyberspace.  I may need to read them again, in order to re-teach myself how to remark on something wittily, using more than one sentence.  I’m restoring the art form, with my own two hands.

But since everything I ever do in life takes lots and lots of work (after it takes even more procrastination), you might hear from me again about 3 years from now, at the earliest.

See you when I return from my cyber-pilgrimage.

And Now I Write for Realsies!

Move over, test blogs – I’m coming in!

I’m glad to see you’re becoming acquainted with my website, dear reader.  Here’s where you can enjoy my drivel as I write it.  Unfortunately, I have nothing of wit to declare at the moment.  But consider this your warning shot.
