Garfield the cat and art manipulation – whadda match!
The first thing I ever found funny in life was probably Garfield the cat. And say what you want, I will defend him until the day I die.
One thing I’ve also always been interested in, though, is seeing my favorite pieces of art – songs, movies, cartoons, etc. – be creatively manipulated. Which would explain why I have a comedygasm every time I see a parody or satire, and why I have more mash-ups and cover songs in my music collection than…most other people you know.
There are – not one, but – TWO glorious manipulations of Garfield comics that are a – procrastination enablers, and b – sometimes (lots of times) funnier than the original. Both have been around for years, but I forgot they existed and just remembered again, so now I’m reminding you again in case you forgot.
The Garfield Randomizer takes three comic panels at random and splices them together. Most of the time it still makes sense.
Garfield Minus Garfield takes Garfield out of the comic strips, making Jon Arbuckle look like a lunatic. Observe:
There. My thoughts for the night are complete. But I’m not done talking about Garfield, so consider yourself warned.