Entries by Mollie Sperduto

The Entertaining Minutiae of this Week

A few tidbits that entertained me over the past few days… Went to Google the song “Punching in a Dream” by Naked and Famous.  When you ask Siri to search for it for you, she just hears “Google naked and famous punching in a dream” –luckily, she pulled up what we were initially searching for. […]

In other news

I started to take a class in Qi Gong/Tai Chi yesterday.  I’m feeling pretty good about it, since my frustration over everything in life is reaching Lewis Black proportions, so I could stand to chill out for a bit. I also imagine there’ll be jokes coming out of this.  I can’t imagine otherwise, considering I […]

My favorite inspiration

One of the first reactions that people have when I tell them I’m a comedian (right after blurting “Tell me a joke!”) is that they ask me who my favorite comedians are – who I listen to, who my inspiration is.  Often the answer they expect is a contemporary stand-up, so I scrape to give […]

I’m back! I’m back!

Hey all!  I went on a little bit of a blog-hiatus.  Took longer than I expected.  But now I’m back! I’ll update you with the “why” as soon as I finish letting the ink dry on everything, but let’s just say that since around August/September, I went through nearly every change that signifies true adulthood […]

Robin Williams…What Can I Say

All right, this one’s gonna be a little hard…Robin Williams is the first celebrity whose death I actually cried over. The weirdest thing, is that I was just earlier thinking back to a conversation I had several years ago.  I was telling someone about how the comedy community can be a worrisome place sometimes; honestly, […]

Otto’s Passing, and Thoughts From the Optimist

My newsfeed essentially blew up this morning with the most disheartening news.  Otto Petersen, of the famed “Otto and George” duo, passed away unexpectedly.  For those of you unfamiliar, watch and behold: To explain the rest of this post, suffice it to say I’m inarguably pan-optimistic; even the worst day of my life had some […]

I’M GOING ON A (one-night) TOUR (in Union County) TOMORROW!

Happy Miercoles, kiddies! So instead of another set of Random Ramblings again (you’re welcome), I figured I’d plug a comedy show DOUBLE HEADER I’ll be doing tomorrow up in Union County! The first show (advertised on my calendar) is the Crossroads at Garwood, on 78 North Ave., which starts at 7:30PM.  Featured comedians include Chip […]

Random Ramblings, or Overheard in Mollie’s World

Testing out new names for my Random Ramblings page.  It will probably come down to being called “Random Ramblings, or [whatever my alternate title is of the moment]” and I’m okay with that.  Let’s get started.   “Can you please pass me the jigger?” “That’s ‘JIGGA,’ you can’t say ‘jigger!’”   (During an Apples to […]